Re: Prevent Glassfish autostart in Windows

From: <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 12:51:21 PDT


[i]> Do you mean when you restart the machine, GF starts?[/i]
Yes, when I start the machine GF starts.

[i]> Is it configured as a "windows service"? If so, then
> control
> panel->Admin.. tools->Services
> you should be able to change the property of the
> service "automatic" to
> "manual".[/i]
Is it called SunJavaSystemAppserver9PE under services?

[i]> BTW, Which version of GF and Windows are you
> referring to?[/i]
GF version - GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1
Windows XP-SP2

> Sathyan[/i]
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