Re: classloading issue?

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 18:58:26 +0530

This is NOT a bug. By design, WebappClassLoader does not honor delegate
flag for any *javax* packages. The list of such non-overridable package
patterns is defined statically on WebappClassLoader like this:

     * Set of package names which are not allowed to be loaded from a webapp
     * class loader without delegating first.
    private static final String[] packageTriggers = {
        "javax", // Java extensions
        // START PE 4985680
        "sun", // Sun classes
        // END PE 4985680
        "org.xml.sax", // SAX 1 & 2
        "org.w3c.dom", // DOM 1 & 2
        "org.apache.taglibs.standard", // JSTL (Java EE 5)
        "com.sun.faces", // JSF (Java EE 5)
        "org.apache.commons.logging" // Commons logging

You can override this behavior by setting a system property like this:


Jakub Podlesak wrote:
> Hi all,
> Paul Sandoz has hit a strange issue with classloading in GlassFish V3,
> and i am curious, if it is a bug.
> Attached is a small maven based project, which builds a war including
> [WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1-ea.jar]
> The web application then has a servlet, which tries to print out,
> which classloader was used to load [],
> a class which is included in the above mentioned jar.
> The same class is then included also in the
> [glassfish/modules/jsr311-api.jar]
> archive, which is part of GlassFishV3 (latest nightly).
> Now, even if the class-loader delegate option
> <class-loader delegate="false"/>
> is set to false, the servlet shows, the []
> has been loaded from the
> [glassfish/modules/jsr311-api.jar] instead from the jar included
> in the war file:
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.499+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|FIND: javax/ws/rs/core/Application.class|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.499+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;| Class loader of class|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.500+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;| bundle://113.0:1/javax/ws/rs/core/Application.class|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.500+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;| Context class loader|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.502+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;| jar:file:/export/home/japod/test/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/classloading311/WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1-ea.jar!/javax/ws/rs/core/Application.class|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.502+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;| bundle://113.0:1/javax/ws/rs/core/Application.class|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.506+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|FIND: javax/ws/rs/ApplicationPath.class|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.506+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;| Class loader of class|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.507+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;| jar:file:/export/home/japod/test/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/classloading311/WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1-ea.jar!/javax/ws/rs/ApplicationPath.class|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.507+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;| Context class loader|#]
> [#|2009-09-02T14:06:20.508+0200|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=35;_ThreadName=Thread-2;| jar:file:/export/home/japod/test/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/classloading311/WEB-INF/lib/jsr311-api-1.1-ea.jar!/javax/ws/rs/ApplicationPath.class|#]
> The corresponding find method is as follows:
> private void find(Class c) {
> try {
> String path = c.getName().replace(".", "/") + ".class";
> System.out.println("FIND: " + c.getName() + " " + path);
> System.out.println(" Class loader of class");
> Enumeration<URL> e = c.getClassLoader().getResources(path);
> while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
> System.out.println(" " + e.nextElement().toExternalForm());
> }
> System.out.println(" Context class loader");
> e = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources(path);
> while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
> System.out.println(" " + e.nextElement().toExternalForm());
> }
> } catch (Exception e) {
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> }
> To reproduce this, just build the war file, deploy it, and hit: http://localhost:8080/classloading311/NewServlet
> you should then see the statements in the [glassfish/domanins/domain/logs/server.log] file.
> Could anybody explain what is wrong?
> Thanks,
> ~Jakub
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