Re: Application Deployments Are Freezing Glassfish Instances

From: <>
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 08:16:55 PDT

Follow up...seeing some different behaviour and I am starting to think that glassfish is somehow corrupting the deployment.

[b]1.[/b] Deploy the application (same steps as above)
[b]2. [/b] The startup servlet produces:

[#|2009-09-09T10:50:58.887-0400|INFO|sun-appserver2.1||_ThreadID=71;_ThreadName=RMI TCP Connection(4619)-;|09/Sep/2009 10:50:58 ERROR org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.PersistenceXmlLoader [RMI TCP Connection(4619)-] - Error parsing XML: XML InputStream(1) Content is not allowed in prolog. (org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.PersistenceXmlLoader$ErrorLogger.fatalError(

and the node agent stops the instance.

[b]3.[/b] Restart the instance.
[b]4.[/b] Instance works fine.

 I am 100% sure the the XML file in question is not invalid. In fact, the system will start up normally when restarted.

Any help is appreciated.
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