Re: Issue with GlasFish-v3 and Jython

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 07 Sep 2009 20:41:54 -0700

I forgot to mention one more detail on it,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException:12840 exception as mentioned below, does
not appear on all the platforms. At least I do not see it on Mac OS
10.5.x. I can see this happening on Ubuntu most of the time.


Vivek Pandey wrote:
> [Adding users_at_glassfish as it might be useful to other users]
> Going thru server.log shows lots of exceptions, some related to derby
> some related to felix-cache, some related to amx etc. There is one
> exception I see that might be causing your django app to not respond
> and its a known bug in django/jython.
> [#|2009-09-06T22:41:48.787+0400|WARNING|glassfish||_ThreadID=17;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Exception
> while scanning settings$py.class
> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12840
> at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.readClass(Unknown Source)
> at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.accept(Unknown Source)
> at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.accept(Unknown Source)
> at
> org.glassfish.deployment.common.AnnotationScanner.scanArchive(
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.SnifferManagerImpl.getSniffers(
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.setupContainerInfos(
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.deploy(
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.deploy(
> at
> org.glassfish.deployment.admin.DeployCommand.execute(
> See the discussed related to this issue:
> The reported bug is: and
> Workaround: delete all *.class files from your project directory and
> redeploy or restart glassfish.
> -vivek.
> Stefan Filatov wrote:
>> Hello,
>> So what i have after i spent two days on trying to use Fuji-GlassFish
>> with Django-Jython.
>> As i wrote, i need the version with ESB v3, that's why i can use only
>> Fuji version.
>> So i installed Fuji application server. Dowloaded jython-container
>> zip file and unpacked it in ../modules/ folder.
>> I created jvm-options to show where Jython is.
>> And you kinow ... i was able to deploy Jython application.
>> Anyway, i used Django framework ( startproject test1),
>> i was not able to show django start page as was described in Vivek
>> blog. Log file is attached.
>> BTW, i'm starting missunderstand how GlassFish is working (actually,
>> where web server). Will spend time today, to read documentation.
>> Regards, Stephan
>> 5 сентября 2009 г. 12:28 пользователь Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine
>> < <> <>> написал:
>> Thanks all so far.
>> Unfortunately I don't think this quite solves Stefan's problem -
>> getting the bits from the Update Center would be ideal but
>> manually downloading the 2 jar files and placing them in
>> glassfish/modules didn't do the trick (that's what installing the
>> IPS packages would do). Stefan, please confirm that this is indeed
>> not working (and detail the exact files you downloaded and the
>> error message you're seeing).
>> Also, can the GlassFish team (Jane? Snjezana?) publish a Maven
>> artifact with the IPS metadata included?
>> I would expect promoted builds (same bits exactly) to be available
>> from the Maven repo.
>> cheers,
>> -Alexis
>> On Sep 5, 2009, at 2:28, Annies Abduljaffar wrote:
>> Hi Stefan
>> Looks like we need to do some more work to get update center
>> available in the fujiglassfish distribution.
>> Meanwhile, I would suggest you to try out the Fuji GlassFish
>> container.
>> Please see more information about the container here -
>> First download and install GlassFish installer promoted build
>> from - and get
>> Jython container from update center.
>> After that please follow the setup instructions in the second
>> tab of the wiki
>> Please refer to section - Deploy a V3 Service Assembly bundle
>> There are some known issues [1] in deploying a V2 applications
>> with HttpBC SUs but it should work fine with V3 applications.
>> Thanks
>> Annies
>> [1] -
>> Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote:
>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 11:57, Stefan Filatov wrote:
>> Yeah,
>> That is the main question - how to install Jython
>> container in GlassFish v3b52.
>> Actually, i need ESB functionality for my project,
>> that's why GlassFish Preview is not suitable for me.
>> Fair enough.
>> Maybe someone knows how to install Jython container?
>> adding
>> <>
>> -Alexis
>> Regards, Stefan
>> 4 сентября 2009 г. 13:25 пользователь Alexis
>> Moussine-Pouchkine <
>> <> <>> написал:
>> This fuji build uses GlassFish v3b52 which should be
>> enough to run Jython/Django apps (it postdates v3
>> Preview which Vivek used to write his blog entry [1])
>> *but* it has no IPS built in, so no update center.
>> While you can still manually install Jython you would
>> still need to install the Jython container (glue code
>> for GlassFish to properly dispatch Jython requests to
>> the Jython runtime). I don't know of an easy way to do
>> this without the update center.
>> If you don't need Fuji/ESB features, I would recommend
>> using plain GlassFish v3 (Preview with the update for
>> instance) [2].
>> You can get both Jython and the Jython container
>> straight from the container.
>> Allso CC'ing Fuji's Andy for his take on this.
>> С Уважением,
>> -Alexis
>> [1]:
>> [2]:
>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:50, Stefan Filatov wrote:
>> Wow
>> Very quick answer :) :) Didn't expect :)
>> I got GlassFish from here:
>> It glassfish with openEsb project. i will need esb
>> service in my future projects, that's why i got that
>> one.
>> The issue is that i don't see such row with GlassFish
>> Jython container in the update tool list.
>> i found package with Jython container here:
>> but i'm not sure that i install it correct: i just
>> unpackaged it to the folder /glassfish/modules/
>> Yes, i have installed Jython 2.5 and Django 1.1
>> Then i do next:
>> $ asadmin create-jvm-options
>> -Djython.home=/my_dir/jython/2.5.0
>> going to my application folder
>> $ cd my_application
>> $ asadmin deploy .
>> and when i try deploy application a got error, that i
>> described earlier:
>> "remote failure: There is no installed container
>> capable of handling this application
>> com.sun.enterprise.deploy.shared.FileArchive_at_93f0c6
>> Command deploy failed."
>> BTW, how can i do stack trace?
>> Regards, Stefan
>> 2009/9/4 Vivek Pandey <
>> <>>
>> Hi Stefan,
>> I guess I need more info so that I can see whats going
>> on. Few questions,
>> - What glassfish v3 build you are trying? Latest
>> Jython container as well as Jython 2.5 runtime is
>> available on updatecenter.
>> - Can you provide the complete stack trace? Also do
>> you have jython installed. Also Django on top of
>> Jython. See [1] as a reference.
>> vivek.
>> [1]
>> Stefan Filatov wrote:
>> Hello, Trying to do use Jython container to run Python
>> applications on GlassFishv3. But when i open update
>> tool, there is no Jython container in the list. Then i
>> found package with Jython container on this site.
>> Unpackaged it at the glassfish/modules directory. when
>> i try to deploy some python application i get next
>> error: " emote failure: There is no installed
>> container capable of handling this application
>> com.sun.enterprise.deploy.shared.FileArchive_at_93f0c6
>> Command deploy failed. " About my environment: Ubuntu
>> 9.0.4; GlassFishv3; Python2.5; Django1.1 Can you
>> advise? Regards, Stefan
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