Re: How to update the GlassFish Webspace Server v2.1?

From: Chihab Messaoud <Chihab.Messaoud_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 07 Sep 2009 16:08:15 +0200


Could you give this support url a try àon your Update Center:


Chihab a écrit :
> Hi,
> I want to install GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 together with Glassfish Web Space Server v10.0 on Windows Vista.
> I want to note at first that I downloaded the file from the page and that the description corresponding to this file contains the remark "Bundled with GlassFish V2". What should that mean? According to the following installation instructions in the Web Space Server 10.0 Getting Started Guide I have to install a separate GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 before installing the Web Space Server so that no bundle comes into effect here.
> But the most important point is the update. The SunGlassFish Web Space Server
> 10.0 Installation Guide tells on page 23, that I should start the update tool and that I have to enable the repository. In point 6 follows the instruction:
> Ask your SunSolve service representative for the correct URL to use, enter the URL here, and then click OK.
> What SunSolve service representative should I ask here? I am relying on the Glassfish Wiki that states on the page, that both the application server and the Enerprise Server are "totally free to use". The request to ask my SunSolve service representative sounds as if I need a support contract in order to be able to get updates for the Web Space Server. But this would mean that the Web Space Server is not really free to use because a real free use requires free updates too. Could someone explain please, how the repository can be enabled? I didn't find any source what explains that.
> Furthermore, perhaps because I cannot perform the update, I cannot perform the last installation step according to the The SunGlassFish Web Space Server
> 10.0 Installation Guide on page 25. Points 7 and 8 say there:
> 7. Change to the ws-install-dir/webspace/application directory.
> 8. Run the Ant install-gfv2.xml script to regenerate and redeploy theWeb Space ServerWAR files.
> ant -f install-gfv2.xml
> I don't have an install-gfv2.xml in my ws-install-dir\webspace\application directory. There is only the file install.xml.
> The Wiki explains the installation of GlassFish v1 Final UR1, but not how the repository can be enabled (
> The GlassFish Update Center ( does not mention the Web Space Server at all so that it cannot be used to update it.
> Please help.
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