Safe to delete old directories/files in an instance session-store?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 04 Sep 2009 10:52:18 PDT

We have a 6 instance cluster, and the session-store directory in each instance is growing every day.

In each session-store/ejb/j2ee-apps directory there are many additional directories with names matching our EJBs and a unique number (ie SomeEarFile_SomeEJB_81982270599790621)

Further in each of these directories there are many directories with names such as '1290ac7700101f-78e2094c-7b'.

Each session store is getting to be 7-8 GB.
Many of these directories and files are extremely old. I can't see a use for them.

So my question is 'is there a utility to clean these up or is it safe to just delete things older then X days old?'

I have not been able to find any information on this here, or anywhere else on line.

[Message sent by forum member 'rvanluttikhuisen' (]