Issue with GlasFish-v3 and Jython

From: Stefan Filatov <>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 09:23:22 +0400

Hello, Trying to do use Jython container to run Python applications on
GlassFishv3. But when i open update tool, there is no Jython container in
the list. Then i found package with Jython container on this site.
Unpackaged it at the glassfish/modules directory. when i try to deploy some
python application i get next error: " emote failure: There is no installed
container capable of handling this application
com.sun.enterprise.deploy.shared.FileArchive_at_93f0c6 Command deploy failed. "
About my environment: Ubuntu 9.0.4; GlassFishv3; Python2.5; Django1.1 Can
you advise? Regards, Stefan