Re: MDB stops receiving messages

From: Per Steffensen <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 20:22:37 +0200


I were able to setup debug level logging for Active MQ.

I tried to do the following:
1) start activemq
2) start Glassfish with my app deployed
3) using activemq console added 2000 messages with the text "test10"
4) using activemq console added 1000 messages with the text "test11"
5) stopped activemq and Glassfish

My MDB actually got and processed all of the 2000 "test10" messages.
Therefore i sent some more messages. It only got 25 of the "test11"
messages before the MDB stopped recieving messages.

After the run activemq.log looked as the one attached. Glassfish had
generated eight server.log files. I have attached the first server.log
(server1.log) and the last two server.logs (server7.log and server8.log).

server1.log starts when the application server starts up in step 2)
above. The first 24 "test10" messages are processed in server1.log. The
last 319 "test10" messages and the first 11 "test11" messages are
processed in server7.log. The 14 next "test11" messages are processed in
server8.log, and then the processing stops.

activemq.log starts when the Active MQ starts up in step 1) above. I
have noticed that there are a "sending message" log line AND a "Sent! to
destination" log line for each message. I have also noticed that those
log lines are there for all 2000 "test10" messages AND for all 1000
"test11" messages. So Active MQ "says" that it sent all of the messages
to Glassfish. There are only 2025 "XA Transaction commit" log lines in
the activemq.log, which suggests that Glassfish only accepts the
recieval of the 2000 "test10" messages and the 25 "test11" messages. It
all adds up.

The question is: What goes wrong!??

Regards, Per Steffensen

------- Ramesh wrote ------------------

Could you attach the server.log, i noticed you have configured generic
ra log level to FINEST.
Also, please try to configure debug log level in Active MQ to find out
if there is an issue.

