Re: EJB Local accessanother application in the same JVM is possible?

From: Felipe Gaucho <>
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 07:32:47 +0200


Sent from my iPhone

On 11.05.2009, at 01:00, "Ronaldo Rigoni ..." <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have two application, one enterprise ( EJb + client + web ), and
> another web application in the same JVM ( GlassFish ), all the EJBs
> in the enterprise application is with @Local interface, can I access
> the Ejbs in this application that is outside of EAR in the same JVM
> with @Local interface?
> Regards
> --
> []'s,
> Ronaldo Rigoni
> Desenvolvedor JEE
> Ministério da Educação - CESPE