Announcing GlassFish v3 Preview

From: Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 21:04:02 -0700

Today we are announcing GlassFish v3 Preview, a highly productive
platform for building enterprise applications with dynamic languages and
early access to Java EE 6 technologies. It is a preview release of Java
EE 6 technologies with community-only support.

GlassFish v3 Preview offers early access to Java EE 6 technologies and
the new Java EE 6 Web Profile. Developers building traditional
enterprise applications have access to the rich features of the full
Java EE 6 platform. Developers building web applications targeting the
Web container can use the Java EE 6 Web Profile. Because GlassFish v3
uses a microkernel architecture based on OSGi, developers can begin with
the Java EE 6 Web Profile and use the Update Center to dynamically
upgrade to the full Java EE 6 platform!

GlassFish v3 Preview also features alignment with NetBeans 6.7 RC and
Eclipse 3.4, scripting support including JRuby/Ruby, Grails and jMaki,
an easy-to-use Admin Console and Update Center connectivity. After
installing and using GlassFish v3 Preview, let us know what you think.

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