Re: Grizzly/Jersey "freezes" during heavy simultaneous connections

From: Scott Oaks <Scott.Oaks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 10:57:43 -0400

It's not a grizzly configuration issue -- all of the grizzly threads are
waiting for some resource in the ibatis transaction manager to become
available. You can see in the thread dump that they are all waiting on
com.ibatis.common.util.Throttle.increment, which is called from
com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.TransactionManager.begin. Not that
I know anything about ibatis, but apparently they are all trying to
start a transaction, and ibatis throttles the maximum number of active
transactions, and so they all have to wait until a slot becomes free.

You need to look into why ibatis isn't giving that resource to the
waiting threads.


On 05/28/09 10:48, Alex Sherwin wrote:
> I'm attaching a thread dump...
> All of the "httpSSLWorkerThread-80-XXX" threads are in "RUNNABLE" and
> "WAITING" states. Note that before the whole thing seems to deadlock,
> thread pool has only instantiated about 40 threads. Right at the time
> that this occurs, the thread pool instantiates its maximum amount of
> threads allowed (100, you will see 100 httpSSLWorkerThread-80-XXX
> threads in this dump). All of the 100 threads are not doing any work at
> this point, and I have to shut down the app server (but the app server
> is responsive, aside from the http port 80 listener).
> The technologies involved are: Jersey 1.0.3 (which is using the apache
> http client contrib) and iBATIS. I've tried to rule out the DB as the
> limiting factor by upping the max # connections in the connection pool
> and monitored the pool statistics (both which seem fine).
> Any ideas?
> Alex Sherwin wrote:
>> I'm testing throughput/performance of an app that is attempting to
>> utilize the highly multiplexed nature of Grizzly. JAX-RS Web Services
>> are being served up with Jersey.
>> The HTTP configuration in glassfish is configured with:
>> Request Processing
>> =============
>> Thread Count: 100
>> Initial Thread Count: 20
>> Thread Increment: 5
>> Request Timeout: 30
>> Buffer Length: 8192
>> Keep Alive
>> ========
>> Thread Count: 1
>> Max Connections: 250
>> Time Out: 30
>> Connection Pool
>> ============
>> Max Pending Count: 4096
>> Queue Size: 4096
>> Receive Buffer Size: 4096
>> Send Buffer Size: 8192
>> HTTP Listener (non-SSL)
>> =================
>> Acceptor Threads: 10
>> Blocking: Disabled (unchecked)
>> Comet is enabled
>> The glassfish domain is being run on my dev box:
>> Glassfish v2.1 FCS
>> Win XP SP3, JDK 1.6.0_12 (32bit)
>> Max heap size 1024
>> Max perm gen is 256
>> Now, when testing I've got three to four other servers (solaris, linux
>> boxes) running many simultaneous threads that are all making HTTP
>> requests. When I've got about 40 simultaneous threads going,
>> everything is fine, but once I go to about 45-50, the http worker
>> threads seem to "freeze" up.
>> There are no errors in my app or the domains log whatsoever (no log
>> entries at all when it freezes up)
>> I'm monitoring the domain with jvisualvm that ships with JDK 1.6, the
>> heap never exceeds 160MB (which is great), perm gen never exceed 80MB
>> and all the http worker threads (yes, all of the ones that were
>> active) turn green, which visualvm labels as "running" (note that when
>> they are not doing any work, they are yellow in the "wait" state
>> I'm not a grizzly expert, so im not sure what configuration parameters
>> should be tweaked to help scale for more concurrent connections.
>> My requests are XML PUT requests, they are about 27KB in size each.
>> The processing time on the server is very short lived (at most 100ms
>> per request, but 99% of the time should be < 20ms).
>> Any idea on what the bottleneck could be in grizzly config?
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