Hi all,
It is my great pleasure to announce the release of the GlassFish tools
Bundle for Eclipse version 1.0.
The bundle is available at
and contains:
* Eclipse 3.4.2 IDE with WTP Java EE support
* GlassFish v2.1 pre-registered and configured
* GlassFish v3 Prelude pre-registered and configured
* JavaDB sample database pre-registered and configured
* GlassFish Plugins
* GlassFish documentation
* And optionally, a JDK 1.6.
Installers are available for Windows and MacOSX, and tar.gz for Linux
I would also like to thank the GlassFish community and all the numerous
people who tested the early access versions of this bundle.
If you have used a preview release (pre version 1.0), make sure to read
the release notes
http://download.java.net/glassfish/eclipse/releasenotes.html for
information about a known issue regarding reusing workspaces created
with preview releases.
Commercial support for this bundle is also available at
We are now working full speed on a new 1.1 version (nightly builds
available very soon) with even more features packed in the bundle.
Thanks for your support, and happy Java EE development with GlassFish