Webinar Update: Appliances POSTPONED - VBox Confirmed

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 07:51:45 -0700

The Appliances Webinar for today (Thursday) has been POSTPONED until
sometime after JavaOne. Chris et al. have been making very good
progress but they are still working on the material for J1, so, rather
than this being a preview of J1 news, it will be

The VirtualBox Webinar for tomorrow (Friday) has been CONFIRMED. Note
the 9am PT time.

        - eduard/o

We have 3 webinars this week. This announcement describes the 3 of them
now, but I'll also send separate reminders for each one, the day before
the event.

* JSR299/WebBeans - Pete Muir - Tue, May 19th, 10am PT.
* Software Appliances - Chris Kampemeier - Thu, May 21st, 11am PT
* VirtualBox - Andy Hall - Fri, May 22nd, 9am PT.

Announcement at TheAquarium at:

To attend, point your browser to

Full details at:

Recordings of the presentation will be available for later playback.

     - eduard/o

PS. Apologies for delay in posting recent webinars; we have been (and
continue to be) distracted.