Re: GFv3 Prelude Dev Guide Review

From: Shalini Muthukrishnan <Shalini.Muthukrishnan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 14:10:20 +0530

Hi June,

Some of my comments :

1. On pg: 233, under Handling Invalid Connections, the
PreferValidateOverRecreate could be described a bit more.
This property prefers validation first before killing the idle
connections. Irrespective of whether the property is set or not,
non-idle connections will be validated.

2. On page 246, in the description of fail-all-connections, it should be
included that "if a single connection fails, all connections in the pool
are closed and reestablished. When set to false, individual connections
are reestablished only when they are used."

3. On page 246, (1) should be done as well.


June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
> Please review the Developer's Guide for GlassFish v3 Preview by COB
> Wednesday, May 20. The comments page is here:
> Although it's a long book and a short review, not much has changed
> since Prelude. The PDF file has change bars, and the Reviewers table
> lists the changes to look for. Engineers: if your name is listed next
> to a chapter, you "own" that chapter for review purposes.
> June
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