Correcting time... 3 Webinars! JSR299/WebBeans; SoftwareAppliances; VirtualBox

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 16:15:49 -0700

The time for the Tuesday webinar is 10am PT (NOT 9am PT).

Sorry, too many opportunities to get something wrong. Included is the
corrected message.

        - eduard/o

We have 3 webinars this week. This announcement describes the 3 of them
now, but I'll also send separate reminders for each one, the day before
the event.

* JSR299/WebBeans - Pete Muir - Tue, May 19th, 10am PT.
* Software Appliances - Chris Kampemeier - Thu, May 21st, 11am PT
* VirtualBox - Andy Hall - Fri, May 22nd, 9am PT.

Announcement at TheAquarium at:

To attend, point your browser to

Full details at:

Recordings of the presentation will be available for later playback.

     - eduard/o

PS. Apologies for delay in posting recent webinars; we have been (and
continue to be) distracted.