Re: XSLT processor in Glassfish ?

From: NBW <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 11:52:31 -0400

It has the Apache XALAN impl. bundled with the JDK you are using to run
Glassfish. SAXON can be a useful alternative for a number of reasons, one
being you need XSL 2.0 APIs as XALAN doesn't support them.

2009/5/17 Felipe Gaścho <>

> I have my Jersey service WADL published also as HTML format:
> it works despite the pending enhancement in the documentation, etc...
> it is being done with Saxon processor.. but I was wondering if
> Glassfish (or java) doesn't have a XSLT processor already available,
> so I can cut this dependency in my pom.xml file..........
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