Re: RE: Glassfish - Reload WebModule using JMX

From: <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 09:18:51 PDT

Actually I've missed that one, but I'm not sure I understand what Jean Francois meant. Anyway, I've changed the

   <class-loader delegate="false"/>

parameter, and It works like a charm, except my EJB's don't work with such an WAR. That's unacceptable in my case, but if anyone would like to redeploy a [i]standalone[/i]
WAR that might be a good solution, you can replace code quickly without any redeployment: just copy the appropriate freshly compiled .class file into the right place, do the JMX-reload thing and you're done. Quick and easy, perfect for development. You can change this 'delegate' field via JMX as well. It's in the com.sun.appsrv.Loader subtree (in jconsole).

I'm still trying to figure out if there's a chance to tell GF there's a new version of the class and the ClassLoader should reload it. I was thinking of my own CL, but that would be too much work for this task, I suppose.

BTW, what are the options to control the class loaders in GF? In e.g. WebSphere you can adjust various settings, here I couldn't find actually anything.

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