Ehcache Webinar on Thu, May 7th, 11am

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 18:03:28 -0700

Tomorrow's webinar is on Ehcache, by Greg Luck, from

Ehcache is a java-based cache that is widely used - in a recent survery
of GlassFish users it was #1 in usage. This presentation, by its lead
maintainer, covers the theory of caching, the architecture of Ehcache,
Features of the product, Usage Patterns and includes some code samples.

The presentation will be tomorrow, Thursday, May 7th, 11am US Pacific

To attend, point your browser to
Full details at

Recordings of the presentation will be available for later playback.

     - eduard/o

PS. Apologies for delay in posting recent webinars; we have been distracted.

PPS. Last week's webinar on WebBeans/JSR299 has been tentatively
rescheduled for Tuesday, May 19th, 10amPT