One minute delay between GIOP Request and EJB invocation

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 10:38:02 +0200

When not touching our ACC driven Swing EJB client for about ten minutes, then there

will be a one minute delay between the GIOP Request and the actual entry into

the Session Bean's user code.


We can proof this behaviour in our VMware based lab environment at any time.


To not spam the mailing list with all the small details, please find the complete description and diagnoses of the problem here:


If anybody encounteres the same problem, please log in there and vote for the bug to get fixed.


If anybody has an idea how to *solve* the issue, please tell me, I am really desparate!


With kind regards


Markus Karg

Design & Implementation Lead







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