WebBeans/JSR299 Webinar on Thu, Apr 30th, 11am - Context and Dependency Injection for JavaEE

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 07:41:46 -0700

Today's webinar is on JSR299. This JSR was introduced as WebBeans but
later went through adjustments based on community feedback and is
currently described as Context and Dependency Injection for JavaEE.

The presenter is Pete Muir, from RedHat, the implementation lead.

The presentation will be today, Thursday, April 30rd, 11am US Pacific

WARNING! I have not been able to contact Pete in the last couple of
days and this is a time-crunch for JSR299 so it is POSSIBLE that we may
have to cancel at the last minute.

To attend, point your browser to
Full details at

Recordings of the presentation will be available for later playback.

     - eduard/o