problems with glassfish and NAT

From: <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 04:12:58 PDT

i have a problem with glassfish set up behind NAT/firewall. i followed the workaround from

> 1.) Setup a DNS entry with the public IP address for your server
> 2.) On the server, map this hostname to the private IP of the server
> (add an entry to /etc/hosts)
> 3.) In the administration console change the properties of the IIOP
> Listener to specifically listen on the server name you just added.

i changed the server names of all 3 iiop-listeners from to the DNS name configured in \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.
but this didn't fix the problem, in my domain.xml i have 3 iiop-listeners specified (org-listener-1, ssl, ssl_mutualauth). this workaround worked only for "orb-listener-1" and "ssl", for the "ssl_mutualauth"-listener (port 3920) the client still tries to connect to the internal ip of the server?

any ideas?
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