> Hello,
> does anybody know how to find out what version of Jasper is Sun Application Server 9.1_02 using?
> Same question for Tomcat 4.1 web server.
> The jar containing jasper seems to be appserver-rt.jar in Sun Application Server and jasper-compiler.jar for Tomcat.
> But no version information.
The version of Jasper in GlassFish is quite different to any Jasper
version in Tomcat. It has been developed independently in the past
(starting at least from 2005 onward) and thus it is quite natural that
they differ.
> I'm puzzled by the fact that i see some commented init-params for the JspServlet mapping in Glassfish's default-web.xml that are not proposed in Tomcat's web.xml.
> Examples would be: xpoweredBy, trimSpaces, etc.
These are GlassFish-specific extensions. Tomcat might have their own.
You should consult the GlassFish documentation if you want to know more
about this parameters (though I guess they are documented well enough in
the default-web.xml). For Tomcat-specific parameters you have to refer
to their documentation (or the file provided by your version of Tomcat).
Wolfram Rittmeyer
> Thanks a lot.
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