Re: Setting up Cluster / Load Balancers

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 15:37:20 -0700

H Richard

Richard Conte wrote:
> All
> I have installed Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server v2.1 with the following
> set up
> 1) 2 physical servers running solaris 10.
> 2) Created a cluster named : cluster1
> 3) Created 2 nodeagents : nodeagent1-qa1 [ on the
> first server
> : nodeagent1-qa3 [ on the first server
> 4) Created 3 application instances : instance1-qa1 [ on
> the first server ]
> : instance2-qa1 [ on the first server ]
> : instance1-qa3 [ on the second server ]
> 5) Created an http load balancer instance : loadbal1
> I am able to deploy a test application across the cluster in a single
> deployement.
> I could use help with the following..
> 1) The heart beat address is . Is it possible to change
> the multicast configuration?.
Yes, on Admin GUI in the cluster screen, change the value of the
heartbeat-address and/or heartbeat-port attributes as appropriate for
your needs.
> 2) Load balancer configuration .
> a) I have the test application Enabled & LB enabled and deployed
> as a web application.
> b) I have the httpd.conf file with the mod-jk.conf ( and the
> in the modules ).
> c) I have the but I need some help how to set
> the ports and the descriptors involved .
> I have been following thse documentation. but for some reason the
> mod-jk is
> not communicating with the instances.
> I can reach the instances separately and the apache separately but I
> can't
> reach the cluster through the mod-jk.
> I have the instances listening to the port 38080 & 38081
> and the load balancer to the port 39000
> workers.conf is set for 8009 and 8010.
> Could you tell me how to synch all these port look up between the
> instances
> and the mod-jk?
Not to sure about this but Jan's log has helped a lot of folks on mod_jk

Hope this helps. If you find any information in the above blog that is
not consistent in our documentation, please let us know so it can be

> Thanks
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