I m new to java, i m trying to get this to work....

From: <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 00:32:27 PDT

i tried to make this work, but i m unable to find out why the component overlap when i switch between menu items. thanks

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class BookStoreProgram extends JFrame {
        //variables Book info
        private JLabel HeadingLabel;
        private JLabel FilerLabel;
        private JLabel NameLabel;
        private JLabel ISBNLabel;
        private JLabel PriceLabel;
        private JLabel Author1Label;
        private JLabel Author2Label;
        private JLabel Author3Label;
        private JLabel Author4Label;
        private JLabel QuantityLabel;
        private JLabel PublisherLabel;
        private JLabel YearOfPublicationLabel;
        private JTextField NameText;
        private JTextField IsbnText;
        private JTextField PriceText;
        private JTextField Author1Text;
        private JTextField Author2Text;
        private JTextField Author3Text;
        private JTextField Author4Text;
        private JTextField QuantityText;
        private JTextField PublisherText;
        private JTextField YearOfPublicationText;
        private JButton SubmitB, ClearB ;
        // variables Member info
        private JLabel HeadingLabelM;
        private JLabel FilerLabelM ;
        private JLabel MemberNameM;
        private JLabel MemberIdM;
        private JLabel NumberBookbought;
        private JLabel AmountSpent;
        private JLabel MemberShip;
        private JTextField NameTextM;
        private JTextField MemberIdText;
        private JTextField NumberBookboughtText;
        private JTextField AmountSpentText;
        private JTextField MemberShipText;
        private JButton SubmitBM, ClearBM ;
        public BookStoreProgram() {
                                super("Book Store!");
                                //setTitle("Book Store");
                        setSize(750, 850);

                        // Creates a menubar for a JFrame
                        JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();

                        // Add the menubar to the frame

                        // Define and add two drop down menu to the menubar
                        JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
                                JMenu searchMenu = new JMenu("Search");
                                // Create and add simple menu item to one of the drop down menu
                                 JMenuItem BookAction = new JMenuItem("Add New Book");
                                 JMenuItem MemberAction = new JMenuItem("Add New Member");
                                 JMenuItem SearchbookAction = new JMenuItem("Search for Book");
                                 JMenuItem SearchmemberAction = new JMenuItem("Search for Member");
                                // add menu items to the right menu.
                                  //Container pane = getContentPane();
                                  //pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
                                BookAction.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
                                            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e ) {
                                                Container pane = getContentPane();
                                                                pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(12,2));
                                                                //pbHandlerSubmit = new ButtonHandler();
                                                                HeadingLabel = new JLabel("Enter Info.", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                FilerLabel = new JLabel("Filer Label",SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                NameLabel = new JLabel("Customer Name:",SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                ISBNLabel = new JLabel("ISBN :",SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                PriceLabel = new JLabel("Price in Dollars:",SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                Author1Label = new JLabel("Author 1 :", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                Author2Label = new JLabel("Author 2 :", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                Author3Label = new JLabel("Author 3 :", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                Author4Label = new JLabel("Author 4 :", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                QuantityLabel = new JLabel("Quantity :", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                PublisherLabel = new JLabel("Publisher:", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                YearOfPublicationLabel = new JLabel("Year of Publication:", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                                                                NameText = new JTextField("");
                                                                IsbnText = new JTextField("");
                                                                PriceText = new JTextField("");
                                                                Author1Text = new JTextField("");
                                                                Author2Text = new JTextField("");
                                                                Author3Text = new JTextField("");
                                                                Author4Text = new JTextField("");
                                                                QuantityText = new JTextField("");
                                                                PublisherText = new JTextField("");
                                                                YearOfPublicationText = new JTextField("");
                                                                SubmitB = new JButton("Submit");
                                                                ClearB = new JButton("Clear");
                                                MemberAction.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
                                                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e ) {
                                                                Container pane = getContentPane();
                                                                pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(7,2));
                                                                HeadingLabelM = new JLabel("Enter Customer Info.");
                                                                FilerLabelM = new JLabel("Filer Label");
                                                                MemberNameM = new JLabel("Customer Name");
                                                                MemberIdM = new JLabel("Member ID");
                                                                NumberBookbought = new JLabel("Number of Books Bought.");
                                                                AmountSpent = new JLabel("Amount Spent");
                                                                MemberShip = new JLabel("Membership:");
                                                                NameTextM = new JTextField("");
                                                                MemberIdText = new JTextField("");
                                                                NumberBookboughtText = new JTextField("");
                                                                AmountSpentText = new JTextField("");
                                                                MemberShipText = new JTextField("");
                                                                SubmitBM = new JButton("Submit");
                                                                ClearBM = new JButton("Clear");
     public static void main (String[] args)
                                BookStoreProgram StoreP = new BookStoreProgram();

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