On 4/14/09 11:35 AM, Ronaldo Rigoni ... wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to know if somebody has use Glassfish V3 in Eclipe Europe.
> Is there plugin compatible?
No, we only support Eclipse 3.4.x where Java EE 5 support got introduced.
You can still get access to very old GlassFish plugins for Eclipse 3.3,
but in these plugins, there is no GlassFish v3 server adapter.
https://glassfishplugins.dev.java.net/download/ version 1.0.3 or lower.
These old adapters are not supported. I strongly encourage you to
upgrade your Eclipse IDE to a version that supports Java EE 5 if you
want to start playing with some of Java EE 5 features.
> This plugin http://glassfishplugins.dev.java.net/eclipse33 don't
> working in Eclipse 3.3.
> Regards.
> --
> []'s,
> Ronaldo Rigoni
> Desenvolvedor JEE
> Ministério da Educação - CESPE