xsd reference issues

From: Narayana Rallabandi <Narayana.Rallabandi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 07:09:05 +0530


I have a problem with respect to referenced XSD in the BPEL Projects.

    * In the BPEL mapper when I have an xsd that is referencing another
      XSD (using a ../.. which would be a relative path) which is in
      another folder and if I give a relative path its giving error
      during deployment that it can not reference. (ref. stack below)
    * I had to have the import statements with respect to the other XSDs
      that are referenced from with in the top XSD under use so that
      they appear in the BPEL mapper for drilling into it to look at
      it's elements. (XMLSpy / TIBCO etc have all worked without any
      workaround!! )
    * The other thing I had to do is to have all the XSDs in the same
      folder as that of the TOP XSD .. Is there any work around for the
    * If I am using the XSDs with out namespace the "the editor does not
      know where to lookup the schema" it can not show up in the mapper
      .. Are we going to have this feature if Yes, is there any time
      line for the same?
    * I have one more observation with respect to XSD import.. Since I
      am having issue with this I tried JAXB way of handling this and
      tried to compile the xsds. I had hit error attached here.
    * I had to alter a couple of XSDs because of the following error
      while building the attached project: (I am attaching the modified
      XSDs separately for reference)

            com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException: Start
            message index needs to be in between 0 and -1










            INcoming message

            BPCOR-6151:The process instance has been terminated because
            a fault was not handled; Fault Name is
            Fault Data is null

            I18N: BPCOR-3025: Selection Failure occurred in
            at line 29!

            BPCOR-6129:Line Number is 29

            BPCOR-6130:Activity Name is Assign1










            *Caused by:
            Particle not found in the complex type.















                    ... 7 more

The vendor not be willing to modify the XSDs since they could process
the same XSDs either in XMLSpy, other XML processors or Apache. Is going
by the route of AXIS the only way ?

I request for comments / suggestions / pointers if any. I am also
attaching the project containing XSDs for taking a look. Since this
problem spans multiple things I am posting to wider section. I request
each one of you take a look at the respective pieces or if you have
comments on other things please pass on!


Stack trace for reference:

In addition to the schema change we had to move all the schemas into a
single folder, as this is a known issue in JCAPS

Note: /*Place all schemas in single folder otherwise we will get the
following error at the time of deployment*/


ERROR: Failed execution of Start: TestBillingSchemasFolderCA

    * Component: sun-bpel-engine

      *ERROR: (BPJBI-4001:BPELSE) BPJBI-7007:Service unit:
TestBillingSchemasFolderCA-TestBillingSchemasFolder failed to load
Service name: SoapRole_myRole : Endpoint name: java.lang.Exception:
BPJBI-7009:An activated endpoint already exits. {5}*

* * Component: sun-http-binding*

* ERROR: (SOAPBC_INIT_1) HTTPBC-E00203: Initialization failed.
java.lang.Exception: HTTPBC-E00362: Failed to resolve the referenced
schema at URI location:

Cleaning up...


    Stopping a service assembly...




ERROR: Failed execution of Stop: TestBillingSchemasFolderCA

ERROR: (JBIMA0486) Cannot stop service assembly
TestBillingSchemasFolderCA. Service assembly is already shutdown.

C:\Documents and Settings\rr0019941\My
Start failure.

BUILD FAILED (total time: 23 seconds)

(image/gif attachment: ErrorEJBNZDeliveryAddress.GIF)