GFv3 Prelude - trying to access admin gives 404

From: <>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 15:39:55 PST

I just downloaded GFv3 prelude off the sun website. After installing, I registered the server in Netbeans 6.5, and then right clicked on it and selected start. It started really fast (cool!), so when it was done I right clicked and selected "view admin".

That took me to a cool new screen that said the admin application was installing. Once that finished, it took me to a 404 page (http://localhost:4848/asadmin/admingui/TopFrameset).

I believe the admin application installed correctly, here's the log messages in server.log:
[#|2008-12-20T17:33:10.166-0600|INFO|sun-glassfish|global|_ThreadID=16;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|AdminConsoleAdapter's STATE IS: The Admin Console is loading...|#]

[#|2008-12-20T17:33:11.304-0600|INFO|sun-glassfish|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=18;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Loading application __admingui at /|#]

[#|2008-12-20T17:33:11.305-0600|INFO|sun-glassfish|global|_ThreadID=18;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Loading __admingui Application done is 5918 ms|#]

[#|2008-12-20T17:33:11.305-0600|INFO|sun-glassfish|global|_ThreadID=18;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|The Admin Console application is loaded.|#]

But no matter what I tried I got a 404 for the admin. Needless to say, this doesn't leave me with a good impression of v3. I'm on Mac OS X 10.5.6 - anyone else having this problem?
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