I have a resource adapter module and and ejb module.
While deployment of the .rar ,it looks up for a session bean which is in the
ejb module.
so for this every time i want to deploy rar,i have to make sure that this
ejb is deployed..
But i want this rar to be autodeploed whenever the server is started, so i
placed the rar and jar in the auto deploy directory..
the problem is application server is deploying the rar module first and then
deploying the jar, hence look up is failing..
I have tried another approach also..
I made .ear which includes both this .rar and .jar ..and mentioned the order
of deployment using INDEX.LIST file in the
META_INF folder but
now the jar deployment started first but before it is deployed completely
(means before binding with JNDI name for session bean)
the rar is getting deployed and look up is failing..
any one please tell me solution for this...so that even after server restart
also the look up will not fail inside the rar module.
thanks in advance