App slowdown after redeploy

From: Noah Horton <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:12:27 -0800

Sorry if this is in the archives and I have just missed it, but it is
impossible to get the search terrms right on this one.

We are migrating a very large (14k LOC) Ruby on Rails app to JRuby/Glassfish
v2. While most things have worked, we are having an issue with redeploys.

When we start the domain, our app behaves normally and is very fast, taking
100 ms for most requests and some similar fraction of a CPU second.

If we run asadmin deploy again to push a new copy of the app, the app slows
down massively. Requests start taking closer to 3000 ms and there is about
5 seconds of CPU usage on the server (CPU usage continues after the response
is sent to the client). If we then restart the domain, it goes back down to
the 100 ms behavior.

Any ideas? Note that we cannot use war autodeploy instead of asadmin deploy
because we need to set contextroot and virtualservers options.
