Problem with synchronizing new admin password from DAS to node-agents

From: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 02:30:42 PST

I have problem synchronizing a changed admin-password to the node-agents in a cluster.

In the DAS, I changed the admin's password with asadmin change-admin-password command. Then I encrypted it with asadmin create-password-alias -- user admin alias-name.
After this I stopped the domain and stopped the node-agents (the cluster was not started).
After restarting the domain I verified the that the new password was activated by logging in with the web-gui(admin-gui). The I started the node-agent. When prompted for admin user and password, I supplied the new password. The node-agent started up without problem. When checking in the web-gui, the status for the node-agent is green/running.

But when I try to start the cluster with asadmin start-cluster my-cluster, with the following message:

Operation 'startCluster' failed in 'clusters' Config Mbean.
Target exception message: All server instances in cluster my-cluster were not started.
Login failed: Failed file login for admin.

Looking in the nodeagents server.log, the following message was found:

Audit: Authentication refused for [admin].

I am using Sun GlassFish Communications Server 1.0 (build b03-p02).

It is running under SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, with the DAS and the nodes on different blades.

Is there anyone who can help me with this problem?
[Message sent by forum member 'jean_bergstrom' (jean_bergstrom)]