Re: Installing

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 12:14:15 +0530

Look at server.log to see which JDK is actualy used by the server. I
guess you are using GlassFish v1 or v2, in which case it is not
sufficient to just set JAVA_HOME for GF to use that particular JDK. You
need to edit AS_JAVA variable in


Néstor wrote:
> I am new and I trying to set up glassfish with PHP and I am getting
> this error:
> An error has occurred
> Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment
> descriptors for module [LRWPAgent] -- UnsupportedClassVersionError:
> Class com.sun.mde.lrwp.HttpProxyServlet has unsupported major or minor
> version numbers, which are greater than those found in the Java
> Runtime Environment version 1.5.0_14 Error loading deployment
> descriptors for module [LRWPAgent] -- UnsupportedClassVersionError:
> Class com.sun.mde.lrwp.HttpProxyServlet has unsupported major or minor
> version numbers, which are g...
> I already install jdk1.6.0_11 in my windows XP
> MY environment variables:
> JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11
> CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6;
> Any ideas on how to fix this problem?
> Thanks,
> Rotsen :-)