RE: Re: Can ACC tell my client where it's servlet is located?

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:39:55 +0100

In fact I do have a web service. But it is not JAX-WS but JAX-RS instead... :-(


If I would have a @WebService annotated Stateless Session Bean, could that session bean know it's own server's hostname and pass back to the client? If that would work, this would be a simple workaround, since obviously the JAX-RS service and the @WebService would be located on the same host.





From: Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2008 16:17
Subject: Re: Can ACC tell my client where it's servlet is located?


Markus Karg wrote:

I have an EAR. It contains a standalone Swing client to be run in ACC, and a servlet to be run on the host. The Swing client wants to access the servlet using simple URL().getContent(). So the client needs to know the hostname or IP address of the host. Since it was a single deploy action of one EAR in theory ACC could know that hostname or address. But is there a "clean" way (i. e. no special GlassFish tricks) how my client can ask the ACC for this address? Or do I have to manually set some deployment descriptor environment entries?

There is no standard Java EE way for the client code to get this information. There is not even a good GlassFish-specific way (at least none I can think of) to do this reliably.

I would think you would not want to build this information into the deployment descriptor because that means the descriptor would need to change as the app is deployed to different systems.

One option: pass the servlet's URL as a command-line argument to the client. The ACC itself will not do anything with it except pass it on to the client logic which can do what it wants with the data.

Another possibility: Deploy a web service and access the web service instead of the servlet from the client. You can then take advantage of injection to resolve the web service address. Just a thought.

- Tim






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