v3 and create-domain

From: Vince Kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 12:15:54 -0800


There are multiple distributions of v3 that look like they include
different capabilities (like EJB and JTA).

Some of these additional capabilities use ports. In the v2 time frame,
the user could customize the ports that would be used by a domain using
the --domainproperties option of create-domain.

Will --domainproperties be supported in v3?

If the user enters the name of a property that is not used in the
current 'installation profile' what happens to it? Is it ignored or
flagged as an error?

Here is a 'for example', couched in Java EE 6 terms....

I have installed a web profile release of v3. I enter 'asadmin
create-domain blah blah blah --domainproperties orb.listener.port=12345

What feedback do I get at this point?

If I update the installation to a different profile (that needs to
define an orb.listener.port), which value will be used... or will the
domain that I created above remain a 'web' profile domain, which would
need a user action to 'upgrade'?

Another set of questions arise when you consider the 'downgrade case'...
where the user takes an installation and converts it from a very capable
profile to a less capable profile....

Is there a summary of the current thoughts about these 'issues'?
