Re: App on Clustering can not be launched

From: Satyajit Tripathi <Satyajit.Tripathi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 08:55:39 +0530
Hi Jack,

You can reach my slide set through my blog post at
Presentation : GlassFish-V2-Clustering-Simplified.pdf

The http port 8080 is for the (default) Admin Server. As I understood through your email you have deployed the application to the GlassFish cluster which has instance1 & instance2 as participating member. The http port for the instance1 and instance2 are different, likely 38080 and 38081.

You can verify that by launching the Admin Console (UI) using a browser on the DAS system. The GlassFish domain must be running, to be able to launch that. You can start the domain using ${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1. Then on the Admin Console click the node cluster1-->instance1 or 2 then look at the right panel which will show you the http/web port for the respective instances.

STEPS :- You need to start your cluster first, using command ./asadmin start-cluster cluster1, then verify that the instance(s) are Running. Then try accessing http://localhost:38080/clusterjsp.

I am sure you will get this going now from there. Please feel free to contact me.

Thanks & regards

Jie Zou wrote:
Hi, Satya

      Thanks for your quickly response. I will check the GlassFish version tomorrow in office. The OS is Solaris 10/SPARC. web_port is 8080. The hello.war is working. I didn't configured load balancer yet.
      How can I found your slide set? Thanks.


2008/12/11 <>
Hi Jack,

Which build of GlassFish V2ur2 are you using ? You can find the download links in my slide set (blog). What platform/ OS are you trying this on ? What <web_port> are using ? Do you have load balancer configured as well ?

I will wait for further information from you.

PS : I have previously done the similar setup on Sun Solaris10 and MS Windows XP and all works fine.

Thanks & regards

On 12/11/08 17:57, Jie Zou wrote:
That's great. Let translate my question into english as below.

I have install a cluster on one machine. Everything looks fine. cluster1-agent is OK. Both Instance1 and Instance2 are OK. I deployed the clusterjsp.ear without any problem. But I got issue while access http://glasshfish:<web_port>/clusterJSP/ . The error message is HTTP
Status 404 - The requested resource () is not available.

I tried to find the reason from the log files. There is error message
about network connection failed on 37677 port.It's used by MQ server. I
search it by Google. Somebody mentioned the same issue. It looks like
the an known bug. If you like to try it, please use "http://localhost:37677"
as keyword. You may got the pages same as me. To present I have no
answer for this bug.

I am back to home. The detail message should be submit tomorrow. Really
appredicate your assistance.


2008/12/11 <>
Hi Jim, and Jack,

I would be happy to help. Your email-text has come out cryptic due to some Internationalization or font issue (I guess).
Can you send me the detailed query in English in a readable format ?

Also, suggest you to go through the presentation on my blog post GlassFish V2 ur2 Clustering and LB - Simplified

Thanks & regards

On 12/11/08 10:15, Jim Jiang wrote:
Jack is working on a Sun CDS project. He has some question about
Glassfish cluster installation and configuration(See attached).
Could anyone answer his questions?


clusterjsp 无法启动
节奏 <>
Wed, 10 Dec 2008 19:36:30 -0800 (PST)

我安装一个glassfish v2ur2 的cluster configuration by asant setup-
cluster.xml. 现在也正常工作了,作cluster配置也一切正常,正常的启动了nodeagent1, 也正常的启动了两个

布置clusterjsp.ear的时候还是一切正常的,但访问http://glassfish:<web_port>/clusterjsp 不成
HTTP Status 404 - The requested resource () is not available.

我跟踪server.log,重新部署cluster.jsp by asant deploy. 仍是正常,不知道为什么应用不能执行? 我又部署了



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ISV Engineering APAC

Sun Microsystems India Private Limited
Bangalore 560025
DID : +91 80 66937865
Mobile: +91 9886019892

ISV Engineering APAC

Sun Microsystems India Private Limited
Bangalore 560025
DID : +91 80 66937865
Mobile: +91 9886019892