403 access denied error when switching from localhost to machine IP

From: <>
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2008 23:18:44 PST

I've recently upgraded an existing application that would earlier run on Sun One v7 update 5 to now run on Sun Java App Server v9.1_02. It runs fine over a domain created under the 'developer' profile. I am able to access the web applications from the browser, e.g. when I browse to http://localhost:8080/webapp. However, as soon as I or someone else tries it through the machine address, say -- I get a 403 access denied error after login.

message: Access to the requested resource has been denied
description: Access to the specified resource (Access to the requested resource has been denied) has been forbidden.

I get this error even if I subsequently navigate to the web application using localhost. I have to bounce the domain in order to make it available again.

Has anyone faced this issue before? If so, how did you correct this problem?
Thanks in advance,
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