Re: Unexpected exception while trying to create a JNDI context

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 22:58:33 +0100

On Dec 30, 2008, at 22:46, wrote:

> It is a good point...although i can assure you the code i'm
> executing has the props passed in.

appserver-rt.jar does have a file that's used for the
no-arg constructor when that jar file is in your classpath.

> Basically i've tried it every way with and without properties being
> passed in. Also with many variation on the actual properties.
> Regarding the jdk version...both are 1.6 jdks. The minor version
> may be different ( I need to check). But i'm not seeing anything
> in the glassfish logs indicating a connection was attempted. Is
> this the type of error you would expect on a jdk mismatch? Would it
> be a different error if it was a connect problem?

making sure you're not using totally different ORB implementations...

> Are the warnings about the initializer class important?

I couldn't tell, sorry.

> Again I believe they actually are in my classpath.
> warning: ORB.init: initializer class
> com.sun.enterprise.iiop.J2EEInitializer not found
> warning: ORB.init: initializer class
> com.sun.enterprise.iiop.FailoverIORInterceptor not found

Anything weird in domain.xml of asenv.conf in terms of classpath
settings (use of classpath prefix/suffix, files in lib/ or lib/ext
directories of the domain)? If using verbose:class, do you see other
classes loaded from the archive that has the above 2 classes?