Is there a way to pass a username/password to the javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory to create a javax.persistence.EntityManager with that username/password rather than the username/password supplied by default when creating the connection pool under the Glassfish Server Admin Console?
For example with the javax.sql.DataSource class there is a
ds.getConnection(username,password) that returns a connection with that username/password (i.e. permissions are handled by the database), is there an equivalent for EntityManager?
For example, suppose I create the following EJB to just execute an SQL statement:
public class SomeEJB implements SomeInterface
@PersistenceUnit (name="common")
private java.persistence.EntityManagerFactory emf;
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger("test");
public void executeSQL(String sql)
java.persistence.EntityManager em=null;
java.util.Properties map = new Properties();
map.put("toplink.jdbc.user", username);
map.put("toplink.jdbc.password", password);
Query query=em.createNativeQuery(sql);
catch (Exception e)
if (em!=null){em.close();}
What Map do I insert to the EntityManagerFactory?
Thank you very much for any assistance.
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