Cannot bind a PortableRemoteObject generated stub

From: Matthew Parker <>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 16:28:29 -0000

I hope someone can help with this.

I am trying to create a basic Object with a Remote interface and register the dynamic stub with the Glassfish registry (JNDI Context).

The following simple example will give the problem:

        SimpleRemote simple = new SimpleRemote(); // this implements Remote
        Stub simpleStub = (Stub) PortableRemoteObject.toStub(simple);

        ctx.rebind("Simple", simpleStub);

When I try and bind it (or rebind), it gives me the following exceptions:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Cant copy Serializable object:

root cause

org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION: The delegate has not been set! vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No

I have also tried explicitly getting the ORB and connecting the Stub manually which fixed the bind operation, but because the delegate is transient, I get the same exception when performing the lookup on the context. Code as follows:

        SimpleRemote simple = new SimpleRemote(); // this implements Remote
        Stub simpleStub = (Stub) PortableRemoteObject.toStub(simple);
        ORB myORB = (ORB) ctx.lookup("java:comp/ORB");
        ctx.rebind("Simple", simpleStub);
        // try to get it back - now the lookup fails with the same exception
        Object simpleLookup = ctx.lookup("Simple");

Can anybody shed some light on why this might be happening and any workarounds that may be possible.


Matthew Parker