How to Trouble-Shoot Infinite Loop in Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 08:26:59 PST

At times our application goes out-to-lunch and the CPU goes 100% telling me we have an infinite loop. This app is really large and has very poor logging so there is NOT way for it to currently help tell us which Service has the loop.

How does one utilize JVM parameters and tooling to solve this type of problem? We are running v2ur1 on Windows.

In the good ole days on Unix, we'd signal a core dump and check the stack dump to find the culprit. Obviously in this case with JVM, I'm less interested in where the JVM got hung but want to know where the app being executed by the JVM went into the suspected loop.
[Message sent by forum member 'jameshr' (jameshr)]