Re: [JMS] MDB problem - cannot make this work

From: Gavilan <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 14:44:22 +0000 wrote:
> 1. is there any resource somwehere in the net which would tell me which propertyName and their values
> can be used for Glassfish? As I assume this is not standardized in
the specs,
> and varies from provider to provider, just as JPA properties?

The best resource I have found is the source code for Open MQ which I
downloaded from the glassfish website.

The class to look at is com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.ActivationSpec

There's a comment in the code that marks the start of the list:

/* ActivationSpec attributes for the Sun Java System MQ JMS Resource
Adapter */

Best Wishes,