Setting web.xml env-entries at deployment time

From: Paul <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 20:05:27 +0100

Hello glassfish users,

Let's say I have a servlet that gets some env-entries injected like this :


    @Resource(name = "acme/configuration/file")
    public void setConfigurationFilePath(String configurationFilePath) {
        this.configurationFilePath = configurationFilePath;

    @Resource(name = "acme/configuration/check-interval")
    public void setPoolerInterval(Integer poolerInterval) {
        this.poolerInterval = poolerInterval;


My web.xml file contains sensible default values (I don't know if that's the
right way, my question will follow) :




I would like to be able to set/override theses "variables" at deployment time
without repackaging.

Is there a way with some asadmin command ?

Are the glassfish Deployment Plans (asadmin deploy --deploymentplan ...) the
way to go ? How ?

Thanks in advance.

I'm using a promoted build of v2.1.
