Re: Error in Listener Config

From: Burak Oguz <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 18:07:20 +0200

Hi Jan,

We have faced with a different error condition. Let me explain :

1- As you said in your previous e-mail, I tried to deploy one of our war
files to activate JK port.
2- I started GFv3 Prelude with the configuration file(domain.xml) attached.
3- When I deploy war file with the command:
[root_at_zortt ~]# /opt/sun-glassfish/glassfish/bin/asadmin deploy xxx.war
remote failure: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

Command deploy failed.

It gave me such an error and a detailed stack trace in the log files. I
attached that exception's stack trace as exception1.txt. Also Port 8009 did
not start.
4- When I tried to deploy war file again in the second and the next times:
[root_at_zortt ~]# /opt/sun-glassfish/glassfish/bin/asadmin deploy
remote failure: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class

Command deploy failed.
It gave me a different error. I attached that exception's stack trace as
exception2.txt. Also Port 8009 did not start.
5- So I could not deploy any war files and I decided to delete JK by
deleting its parameter from domain.xml. This time war is deployed and run as
it have to be.
6- Then I completely uninstalled and deleted GF and made a clean install.
This time first I entered to Admin GUI. Port 8009 started. Then tried to
deploy the war and this time war file deployed succesfully and run as it
have to be over JK connector.

As a conclusion in my opinion in autodeployment code there is something
missing or buggy.

Thanks in advance

-- Burak

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Jan Luehe <> wrote:

> Hi Burak,
> On 11/22/08 02:05 AM, Burak Oguz wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> First let me list rpm building steps I followed:
> 1. I installed a new GF v3 Prelude AS.(nightly build 03 Oct 2008)
> 2. I entered Admin GUI from port 4848
> 3. I added a new http-listener to port 8009 and added the property
> jkEnabled = true from the GUI.
> 4. I clicked "Save" button from top right corner of the page.
> 5. Port 8009 started to listen (netstat output)
> 6. I restart the domain1 from asadmin command from command line.
> 7. Port 8009 started to listen again.
> 8. I checked Apache that if mod_jk is working and I saw it works.
> 9. I took domain.xml from
> glassfishv3-prelude/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml
> 10. I downloaded zip version of the GF v3 Prelude AS.(nightly build 03 Oct
> 2008).
> 11. From the domain.xml and GFv3 zip I created an RPM package.
> 12. In post install section of RPM, it starts the GFv3.
> 13. Port 8181,4848,.... starts to listen. And I check them via browser.
> 14. Port 8009 does not start to listen.
> 15. I check my domain.xml whether it is correct and contains ajp related
> http listener parameters.
> 16. I see them they are there.
> 17. I browse to Admin GUI to http-listener section. I see there the ajp
> connector as http-listener-1 and registered in virtual servers.
> 18. I click the Save button on the top-right corner of the http-listener
> edit page.
> 19. It starts listen port 8009. And I can use this connector over Apache
> via mod_jk.
> And my final question is that. When I click that "Save" button, does that
> click event modifies anything other than domain.xml?
> Thanks in advance
> Thanks for listing the exact sequence of steps.
> This is much clearer now.
> As you can see from this code in GrizzlyService#postConstruct:
> String jkEnabled = listener.getPropertyValue("jkEnabled");
> if (jkEnabled!=null && ConfigBeansUtilities.toBoolean(jkEnabled)) {
> continue;
> }
> any listeners with jkEnabled set to true are being bypassed when the
> v3 kernel is started. Their initialization is deferred to when the web
> container is started, which happens when the fist web module
> (including the admin gui) is deployed to it.
> We should explore if we could move up the initialization of any listeners
> with
> jkEnabled set to true.
> In your current situtation, when you start the domain that contains
> the listener with jkEnabled set to true, you should see this listener
> getting started as soon as you deploy the first WAR file.
> Can you please try this out and let us know?
> Thanks,
> Jan
> - Burak
> On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Jan Luehe <> wrote:
> Hi Burak,
> On 11/21/08 07:54 AM, Burak Oguz wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are trying to setup Glassfish v3 with mod_jk support. We downloaded a
> nightly build (03 Oct 2008) and tried to configure domain.xml like
> Jean-François described in his blog(
> After that we built a rpm package from that distro and domain.xml.
> We could not make AJP connector work when we try to start/restart GF from
> console. But when we save the listener configuration from admin
> interface(4848) by clicking the save button on the top right corner, AJP
> connector starts to listen 8009.
> Can you clarify what you mean by "console"? Normally, this refers to the
> admin gui, but you
> seem to be talking about the command line, and referring to the admin gui
> as the admin interface?
> Please list the exact steps you've followed in the case where you could not
> get the AJP connector
> to work.
> Thanks,
> Jan