Re: web app file cache

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 16:35:48 -0500

Thanks! I ended up having to restart the server anyway because of
Microsoft's world famous JDBC lockups again. Remember you helped me
diagnose that? We were having some problems with a
known-but-not-fixed-yet memory leak in the open source jTDS driver that
brought down GlassFish a few times, and decided to try Microsoft's
latest JDBC driver. Back to the same problem we had earlier this year
so now we're going to buy a commercial driver.


Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Salut,
> Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've just replaced a file in
>> domains\domain1\applications\j2ee-apps\myEAR\myWAR\resources and did
>> not restart the application server. Will the new file be served, or
>> does GlassFish cache files?
> Look at domain.xml's http-file-cache element. There is two (confusing)
> elements to set to true/false:
>> <http-file-cache file-caching-enabled="false"
>> file-transmission-enabled="false" globally-enabled="false"
>> hash-init-size="0" max-age-in-seconds="30" m
>> ax-files-count="1024" medium-file-size-limit-in-bytes="537600"
>> medium-file-space-in-bytes="10485760"
>> small-file-size-limit-in-bytes="2048" small-file-space-i
>> n-bytes="1048576"/>
> I suspect both file-caching-enabled="false" and
> globally-enabled="false" ...
> A+
> -- jeanfrancois
> It is a .swf flash file.
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
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