Re: Problem with HTTP Load Balancer and EJB Web Services

From: pankaj jairath <Pankaj.Jairath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 10:59:34 +0530

Hello Vince Power, wrote:
> How can I get GlassFish to update its HTTP Load Balancer configuration
> with the information of a deployed EJB web service?
There is an admin issue ./ enhancement that needs to be fixed. Till
then, one would need to manually edit the loadbalancer.xml
(configuration for LB) to include such context roots. Please file an
issue on this and would track for closure in upcoming release of
> Environment - I'm using JDK 6u10 with GlassFish ESB (GF v2.0-b4fcs) and
> Sun Web Server 7.0u3, with aslb-9.1-u2-b1
> Background - When I deploy any WAR (or EAR) with a servlet based web
> service GlassFish will update the HTTP Load Balancer with its information.
> When I deploy an EJB based web service the configuration of the HTTP Load
> Balancer is not updated to reflect the new object.
> Work around - If I manually update the loadbalancer.xml that the web
> server is using to include a new web-module with the appropriate URI it
> will work, but manually updating all the different copies of the
> loadbalancer.xml I have is not an easy task.
> Regards,
> Vincent Power
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