Re: Can GlassFish 2 do what Tomcat was able to do ?

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 09:03:49 +0200
  gives you an idea of what will be in v3 Prelude.
No EJB (although there will be a preview of EJB 3.1 available from the
update center), no clustering, no JMS, ....
Ryan is correct about the schedule (as of today of course).
Give v3 Prelude a try now (a recently promoted build), we're close to
Hard Code Freeze :
You'll get a good idea of what to expect.

On the "compile/deploy on save", we're looking into a solution that
would require the use of NetBeans.
Certainly look first into what v3+eclipse has to offer today already.


On Sep 21, 2008, at 22:38, Ryan de Laplante wrote:

> Q Master wrote:
>> Thanks Ryan for the tips and links!
>> Couple of additional question
>> - would GF-v3 be good to test with ? I heard will be release in May
>> next year
> According to the schedule, the "Prelude" version will be released at
> the end of October (29th). This will be a Java EE 5 version, and I
> don't know how much functionality from V2 will be missing (if any).
> The version coming out in May will be a Java EE 6 application server.
> I continue to use V2 for now. I haven't looked at V3 much although
> I am really looking forward to the modular architecture which makes
> it load only what it needs into memory on demand. I will be
> looking at V3 more on my next project.
>> - the compile on save think would only work on V3 + NB6.5 right ?
> Compile on save is a NetBeans 6.5 feature unrelated to GlassFish.
> For Java SE projects it compiles changed .java files whenever you
> press save. This is a feature Eclipse has had for a very long time,
> and many Eclipse users have identified this feature as an adoption
> blocker for NetBeans.
> When working with Java EE projects such as web applications, it
> "Deploys on Save". If you use directory deployment (exploded .war,
> only changed files are updated) then this can be a productivity
> booster. In this thread I read that the Eclipse plugin also
> supports directory deployment. I doubt it deploys when you save a
> file though. It's just one extra step, tell Eclipse to deploy when
> you want to try it. If you are using directory deployment then it
> should be very quick.
> To be honest I haven't used directory deployment much because I work
> on Window and have been using the Woodstock JSF components.
> Whenever my application uses the components, there is some kind of
> file locking issue. I forget the exact details but that prevented
> me from using directory deploy, and I re deploy my whole application
> whenever I want to try it. I remember it not being a problem when I
> used a plain .war file, but when I put it inside a .ear file there
> is a problem.
> I recommend you spend some time evaluating GlassFish V3 and the
> Eclipse plugin's directory deploy feature. Make sure to give
> feedback on this mailing list. We have been using GlassFish V2 in
> production for a year now and are very happy with it.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
>> Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think the feature you are describing is called "Directory
>>> Deployment" in GlassFish and NetBeans:
>>> #|outline
>>> Also read about NetBeans 6.5's new compile on save feature and how
>>> it
>>> relates to class reloading support, debugging, etc.
>>> Ryan
>>> Q Master wrote:
>>>> Hello all!
>>>> Coming from Tomcat world I would like to asked few question related
>>>> to what I like to call "Zero Down Time" while using an application
>>>> server and by that I mean:
>>>> - coding as I debug, having the class loader picking up the changes
>>>> on the fly (Class Change Aware Classloader)
>>>> - debug and test without deploy - just point the GF to the
>>>> project -
>>>> project that is reflects an J2EE app in an exploded format.
>>>> I doubt this is possible but I would stand corrected if you prove
>>>> my
>>>> assumption wrong!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Q
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