Re: appserver-start command line

From: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 07:33:06 PDT

Hi Richard,
  I just noticed the same thing. The "Does not exist" string is prefixing the high availability database jars which only get installed with the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2 w/HADB

When start-domain launches the server, it individually quotes the arguments in the class path (at least on linux), so I don't think that this has any impact at all other than to add a non-existent path to the search path. So it just means that the High availability database is unavailable <snicker>.

You could edit start-domain to remove those arguments, but I wouldn't recommend that since they appear to be inert anyway. Or you could install the HADB bundle, but my suspicion is that this is probably more of a headache than it is worth unless you really need it.

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