Re: restart glassfishv2u2 programmatically

From: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 06:09:45 PDT

> Can you please explain how running of batch is dependent on running of domain ?

I can't.

>You may want to modify your restart script as I am still not convinced with the
starting an already up domain.

>The restart script should be something like this:

>wait - for 5 mins

Please have a look at my script then you see it does exactly that(expect that it sleeps only for 30sec)...

@echo on
echo start domain (in new cmd)....
start D:\dev\server\bin\startgf.bat
echo stop domain (in same cmd)....
call D:\dev\3rdparty\glassfish-v2ur2\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat stop-domain

@echo on
echo wait ...
rem wait 30sec
@ping -n 2 -w 1000
@ping -n 30 -w 1000
echo start domain....
call D:\dev\3rdparty\glassfish-v2ur2\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat start-domain

>Please do one thing : If your domain is stopped then start it manually.

>Then try manually what you have mentioned in your script - stepwise
>start D:\dev\server\bin\startgf.bat
>call D:\dev\3rdparty\glassfish-v2ur2\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat stop-domain

Ok. I have done that. No exceptions everything fine. The server stops and after 30sec the server re-starts... My scripts are fine!

>You'll see the difference

I see manually it works and programmatically it fails....

Like I explained in previouse posts...

Note: I try to migrate from Tomcat to Glassfish. With Tomcat I had no problems to restart using batch files...

Impossible with glassfish? (The admin console has no restart funktion too. Only a stop function)

Any Idea? Any suggestion?
[Message sent by forum member 'montsie' (montsie)]