Salut, wrote:
> I seem to have found a fix... but i'm not sure if its good.
> Under the HTTPS listener... I checked the box "Blocking Enabled".
> Doing so I restarted SJSAS9.1 U2 and HTTPS is now as fast as HTTP was - without the delays...
> Are there any side affects?
> I noticed that grizzly is no longer displaying its config upon startup for HTTPS ...
> ie: only displaying HTTP info:
> Grizzly configuration for port 38080
> maxThreads: 130
> minThreads: 10
> ByteBuffer size: 4096
> useDirectByteBuffer: false
> useByteBufferView: false
> maxHttpHeaderSize: 8192
> maxKeepAliveRequests: -1
> keepAliveTimeoutInSeconds: 30
> Static File Cache enabled: true
> Stream Algorithm : com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.algorithms.
> NoParsingAlgorithm
> Pipeline : com.sun.enterprise.web.portunif.PortUnificationPipeline
> Round Robin Selector Algorithm enabled: true
> Round Robin Selector pool size: 8
> recycleTasks: true
> Asynchronous Request Processing enabled: false|#]
> This change seems to have "fixed" the problem, but not sure if I'm doing anything that's not recommended as there's not much documentation on the "blocking" setting.
Hum :-) You switched to blocking socket, which will improve throughput
(as you noted) but will have a strong impact on scalability. Can you
file an issue here:
There should not be a perf difference like that.
-- Jeanfrancois
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