RE: No RESPONSE in 10 days???

From: Alex Sherwin <>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 11:08:57 -0400

I don't know about your second question, but to disable auto-creation of
your topics and queues you must use the IMQ CLI located at


If you're not familiar with this tool, you can run it with no args and it
will print usage. You have to supply it with information that will identify
which IMQ instance to query/update etc, with the -b flag (i.e. -b


An example command of what you want to do is the following (default
user/pass for imq is admin/admin if you haven't changed it. This is
separate from the domain user/pass. Also note that port is not the admin
port, or http port, it is the IMQ broker port for your domain(s)):


imqcmd update bkr -b HOST:PORT -u USER -o imq.autocreate.queue=false

imqcmd update bkr -b HOST:PORT -u USER -o imq.autocreate.topic=false



Alex Sherwin


From: Daniel Cavalcanti []
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:42 AM
Subject: No RESPONSE in 10 days???



I posted a couple of questions more than 10 days ago and I am still waiting
for a response.
I used to post questions in this mailing list before and would get answers
within a day.
I'd be nice to get a response for this question...

Here are the original messages:


I want to disable the JMS queue/topic auto creation in the broker.

I know I can accomplish this by setting the following in the

Configuration -> {cluster}-config -> Java Message Service -> Start

Arguments field: -Dimq.autocreate.queue=false -Dimq.autocreate.topic=false

But I want to be able to do this in a different way: CLI and AMX/JMX.

What is the equivalent command for CLI. How about the MBean?



I have something very strange happening.

In an enterprise application that contains an ejb module and a war

module (JSF), a managed bean calls a business method from the ejb

module. However, the returned object is always null.

When I put some printout statements inside the managed bean method and

the session bean business method, I get that in the session bean, the

object being returned is not null. But the object assigned in the

managed bean is null.

This seems like a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Here are the classes...

Session Bean (with its local interface):


public interface AdvertisingLocal {

     public byte[] getAdvertising();



public class AdvertisingBean

     implements AdvertisingLocal {

     private static final long HOUR = 3600000L;

     private static Object lock = new Object();


     private TimerService timerService;


     private int interval;

     private Timer timer;


     private AdsFacadeLocal adsFacade;

     private Iterator<Ads> iterator;

     public AdvertisingBean() {



     private void construct() {

         int count = 0;

         List<Ads> results = adsFacade.findAll();

         for (Ads ad : results)

             count += ad.getTokens();

         List<Ads> rotation = new ArrayList<Ads>(count);

         for (Ads ad : results)

             for (int i = 0 ; i < ad.getTokens() ; i++)


         synchronized (lock) {

             iterator = rotation.iterator();




     private void destroy() {

         if (timer != null)




     private void timeout(Timer timer) {




     private void createTimer(InvocationContext context) {

         try {

             if (timer == null) {

                 // set expire for the next hour turn

                 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

                 calendar.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis() +


                 calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);

                 calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);

                 timer = timerService.createTimer(calendar.getTime(),

interval, null);


         } catch (Exception ex) {


         } finally {

             try {


             } catch (Exception ex) {





     public byte[] getAdvertising() {

         synchronized (lock) {

             if (!iterator.hasNext())


             byte[] buffer = iterator.hasNext()


                 : "Advertising...".getBytes();

             System.out.println("buffer: " + buffer);

             return buffer;




Here the "buffer" printout is NOT null.

Managed Bean:

public class AdvertisingBean {


     private AdvertisingLocal advertisingService;

     public AdvertisingBean() {


     public String getContent() {

         System.out.println("service: " + advertisingService);

         System.out.println("content: " +


         return String.valueOf(advertisingService.getAdvertising());



Here "service" is NOT null, and "content" IS null.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I'm using glassfish version Sun Java System Application Server 9.1.1

(build b24c-fcs). This is from the admin GUI.

