How do I publish a 2001 version of WSDL (or one w/out Policy)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 13:46:56 PDT

I didn't see anything related to this in the last 90 days, so here goes.

I have what probably is a newbie question that I haven't been able to find the answer to. I'm trying to get BMC Remedy to consume a webservice from glassfish 2ur2 and it appears to have WSIT turned on my default: i.e., I get <ns1:Policy... added to my wsdl. Remedy doesn't understand the Policy statements and I'm trying to turn them off. What is the best way to do this? I'm using standard jax-ws mapping starting from a bottom-up approach using only annotations at the moment? If not the best way, a way, if not that maybe a pointer to the right doc I missed?

Also, I may fail on something else after disabling policy. I think my best bet would be to tell Glassfish to publish using the old 2001 WSDL spec. Is that possible?

I see some XSLT filter configurations, but I'm not sure if I can configure for the WSDL level and would rather not hack around the WSDL generator/publisher.

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